Confs. Meetups. More.
I've been speaking and learning in public since 2015, mostly about web performance, JavaScript/TypeScript, React, and their ecosystem. Other topics also include programming languages design and iOS engineering.
In total, I've presented 32 different sessions in 78 events across 37 cities in 24 different countries.
Want me to speak at your event? Please check my speaker rider and hit me up!
I also maintain here a curated list with the CFPs (ie. Calls for Papers/Presentations) of conferences I am personally interested in and a few others I happen to stumble across when navigating different event listings!
All Sessions
Speed at Scale: Optimizing The Largest CX Platform Out There
A Decade: React’s Rhapsody of Life
Hydration, Islands, Streaming, Resumability… Oh My!
It's 202x and I Can Finally Talk About Atomic CSS
Web Performance APIs That You (Probably) Never Knew Existed
Deep Diving on Concurrent React
Inside Fiber: the in-depth overview you wanted a TLDR for
Consistent UX at Scale: Lessons Learned When I Wore the DesignOps Hat
The best is yet to come: the Future of React
Code sharing at scale: one codebase for web, mobile and desktop
The Day I Reverse Engineered a Gameboy Advance Game
React 16.x: Way Beyond Hooks
The state of the state: React state management in 2019
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Front-End Performance
State of the art React development flow with TypeScript
The correctness-by-design duck will bite PHP
Building Swift Libraries
Server-Side goes Serverless
The future favors Swift
Sweet Macros O’ Mine
Playing With WatchConnectivity for ~24 hours
SpriteKit - Up and Running
Designing For Humans (like You & Me)
The Art of Notifications
JavaScript In The Sky With Types
An Introduction to Git & Github
Break On Through (To The λ Side)
Back to the Future: Functional Programming Nowadays
Rethinking Automation: NPM to rule them all
An open source mobile project in two weeks
Jumping on an adventure with metadata: Micro Data and Open Graph
(Super) Hybrid Apps with Ionic
️Upcoming Sessions
️Active Sessions
React Highlights
YouTube Highlights
Captured Highlights

Frontend Talks PRG • October 2023
Prague, Czech Republic

React Day Berlin 2022
Berlin, Germany

Frontend Talks BRN • November 2019
Brno, Czech Republic

Frontend Talks PRG • November 2019
Prague, Czech Republic

Frontend Talks PRG • February 2020
Prague, Czech Republic

ReactNYC: E0l50z-5RHw
New York City, United States

TDC 2019 | Belo Horizonte
Belo Horizonte, BH, Brazil

TDC 2019 | Florianópolis
Florianópolis, SC, Brazil